Vidushi / Thursday, February 24, 2022 / Categories: Planting Tips, Vegetables Asparagus Planting Asparagus Asparagus plants require one year to establish then produce a light harvest in the 2nd year, a larger harvest in the 3rd year, and a full harvest thereafter. Spacing: Space your plants 12" - 14" apart unless otherwise specified There should be 3 feet between rows Furrows should be 8" - 10" deep 8" furrows are recommended for heavier clay-like soils Irrigation: A well-drained site is recommended More frequent watering may be required for lighter soils It is very important to maintain moisture during the 1st year (establishment year). Fertilization: Before planting add 5lbs. of 10-10-10 per 100 sq. ft In August of the 1st year (establishment year), add 1lb. of 10-10-10 per sq. ft. and work into the top 2" of soil. In the following years, use 2lbs. of 10-10-10 per 100 sq. ft. in early spring and following your harvest. To maintain proper soil levels, add lime, bone meal, and superphosphate. It is very important to maintain a Ph level of 7.0 - 7.2 in the soil. Jersey Knight Asparagus Characteristics: An all-male variety Extremely vigorous with large succulent spears Does best in zones 3 - 8 Good Flavor Excellent freezing quality Previous Article Strawberry Growing Next Article Roses Print 1451 Rate this article: No rating Tags: planting asparagus Please login or register to post comments.